Residencies 2020/21
Of the approximately 100 artists who are part of the residency programme in a season, some residency programmes and artists are presented here.
As part of NEUSTART KULTUR – the economic stimulus package financed by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media to preserve and stabilise the multifaceted independent performing arts – the Performing Arts Fund is launching the comprehensive #TakeThat package of measures.
#TakeThat comprises a total of 11 programmes aimed at independent artists/groups of all disciplines as well as production venues and festivals of the independent scene in Germany. This also includes #TakeCareResidencies, which is realised by the Alliance of International Production Houses, among others.
In addition, the AUTONOM and GLOBAL VILLAGES PROJECTS programmes as well as the conception funding complement the funding offers of the Performing Arts Fund. Applications for the first #TakeThat programmes can be submitted from 1 October 2020. An overview of all funding programmes can be found here.
Further info:
Funded by the Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser e.V. as part of the programme Neustart Kultur: #TakeThat, supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. and funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.