Bandstand – Good Music!
with Alice Roger, Andi Valandi & Band, Cedric, Grimény, I Drew Blank, Jaguwar, Johnethen Fuchs & The Woods, Oree, Paisley, Tourette Boys, Triggerkid & The Ending Man, Zebra Centauri
2 evenings, 20 bands, 4 stages
Dresden’s biggest indoor festival of the local band scene
Fr 14.02.
Alice Roger
Andi Valandi & Band
I Drew Blank
Johnethen Fuchs & The Woods
Tourette Boys
Triggerkid & The Ending Man
Zebra Centauri
Promising newcomers and seasoned representatives of the local band scene present their latest sets and band projects at Dresden’s biggest indoor festival every year. 2 evenings, 20 bands, 20000-fold fun.
Between the stage acts the audience can enjoy some artistic surprises at presumed and unexpected places. In addition to the perfect sound, the HELLERAU technical crew also creates visually real wow experiences that you shouldn’t miss with their special knack for unusual room designs.
The incredible Rahmenprogramm Bandstand 2020
Music Is My Radar by KAZOOSH
Knöpfe, Gewinde, Kurbeln, Hebel – zum Anfassen und Musik spielen!
Kinetische Objekte by Anushka Babushka Scheinbar Unbewegliches bekommt Raum zum Fliegen
Audiovisuelle Pop up Performances
KOMA Tanz&Performance
Performerinnen: Theresa Rothe, Magdalena Weniger
Die Affen
Noch mehr Musik für beste Laune!
Glitzer, Beat und Video.
The Equipment
Klaus und Klaus der Elektroszene zeigen eine Bühnenshow voller Fantasie, Fez, Schabernack und tollen Scherzen.