THE ART OF STAYING MANY: Weak Resistance – a workshop for (being) many

Ewa Majewska

2024/25 online Workshop

The current rise of the ultra-rightwing forces demand a response, however: can we do more than just react to their threat? Can we imagine, theorize and practice ways of resistance, which do not give in patriarchal, racist, colonial, homo- and transphobic old patterns? The concept of “weak resistance” was coined during the research of Ewa Majewska on subaltern counterpublic and in the process of the Polish women’s recent feminist mobilizations for the reproductive rights. Inspired by the East, West and South feminist and queer strategies, it offers ways of being antifascist in our heterogeneity, with our contradictions and different aims. The online workshop will explore such concepts as power of the powerless, the common and the non-heroic, and such practices, as the Women’s Strike, detournement and unionizing, for us to share our knowledges and practice, and contribute to the antifascist strategies.

Duration: ca. 2 h
Language: English

Register for the workshop via:
There is only limited room for participants. After registering you will receive the link to the workshop. 

Ewa Majewska is a feminist theorist of culture, associate professor at the SWPS University in Warsaw, Poland, working on the queer studies/archive theory project “Public against their will. The production of subjects in the archives of “Hiacynt Action”. She examines the archives of the surveilling police action targeting gay men in the 1980s Poland. Majewska taught at the UDK Berlin, University of Warsaw; she was a visiting scholar at the UC Berkeley; ICI Berlin and IWM in Vienna. She published seven books, incl. Feminist Antifascism (Verso, 2021), as well as numerous articles and essays in journals, magazines and collected volumes. Her research focuses on archive studies, dialectics of the weak; feminist critical theory and antifascism. She co-curated the exhibition of Mariola Przyjemska at the Zachęta National Gallery of Art in Warsaw (2022-2023). In 2023 she received the Emma Goldman Award from the Flex Foundation for her research work on equality.

“THE ART OF STAYING MANY. Nationwide Forums for Art, Freedom and Democracy” is a series of events organized by the Fonds Darstellende Künste in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut, Chamäleon Berlin, fabrik Potsdam, FFT Düsseldorf, Hans Otto Theater Potsdam, HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Impulse Theater Festival, Kunstfest Weimar 2024, LOFFT – DAS THEATER Leipzig, OSTEN Festival Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Plattenstufen-Festspiele presented by PHOENIX Theaterfestival Erfurt, Residenz Schauspiel Leipzig, Societaetstheater Dresden, Sophiensæle Berlin, Zentralwerk e. V. Dresden, Zirkustheater Festival Dresden. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR.