Season Festival for the Day of Open Monument 2020
With AuditivVokal Dresden, go plastic company, ConTrust Collective, Teresa Lucia Forstreuter, Residencies from TANZPAKT Dresden and the Artist-in-Garden-Residencies
The doors of HELLERAU will open for the Open Monument Day, where you can discover short dance pieces, performances, music and video installations throughout the building and use the cultural garden for workshops or just to linger. AuditivVokal Dresden, the choreographers of the unusual piece “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen gekommen” Teresa Lucia Forstreuter, Joseph Hernandez and Malwina Stepien, the residents of TANZPAKT Dresden as well as the artists of the Artist-in-Garden-Residency Romuald Krężel, René Alejandro Huari Mateus, Chelsea Leventhal and Magdalena Weniger will be present. Between 11 am and 4 pm guided tours take place every half hour.
11 – 11.45 am
Exclusive musical preview of the production “Slaughterhouse 5” based on the novel by Kurt Vonnegut | AuditivVocal Dresden (DE)
Music | Great hall 12 – 12.15 pm
CHORÓS | Katja Erfurth (DE)
Dance | Great hall
12.15 – 1 pm and 3.15. – 4 pm
Open Studio: To See Climate (Change) | Romuald Krężel, René Alejandro Huari Mateus (PL/CO)
work-in-progress-performance | Englisch Performance | English Nancy Spero Room More infos 1 – 1.30 pm and 4 – 4.30 pm
Chromatic Decline | Joseph Hernandez (EN)
Dance | Great hall “Chromatic Decline is the result of a dramatic change in course. The piece is about the absence of itself, built on the ruins of cancelled plans and uncertain futures. For their return to performing after months of inaction and emotional fatigue, Joseph Hernandez and Caroline Beach were moved to create a dance that honoured the missing pieces. This dance is built on the absence of friends and collaborators, and an entire orchestra. Chromatic Decline measures the ways we could have been set in motion but remained at rest.” Music from: Joseph Hernandez, Erica Terpening (Song), Caroline Beach 1.30 pm
Rita Represents | fachbetrieb rita grechen
Lecture Performance | Kulturgarten Theater muss sich verändern. Aber wohin? fachbetrieb rita grechen ist mit einem Kaffeewagen und 15 Freundschaftsbüchern zwei Wochen durch Dresden gezogen und hat etwa hundert Meinungen zu dieser Frage eingeholt. Am Tag des Offenen Denkmals sind sie ganztägig mit dem Kaffeewagen und den Büchern im Kulturgarten des Festspielhaus Hellerau. Dort führen sie weiter Gespräche und zeigen Videos und Bilder ihrer bisherigen Ergebnisse. Um 13:30 findet zusätzlich eine lecture performance statt, in der das Projekt mit Lesungen aus den Büchern vorgestellt wird und gemeinsam diskutiert werden kann. fachbetrieb rita grechen; von und mit: Laura Immler, Hannes Köpke, Ferdinand Nowitzky, Laura Pföhler, Konstantin Sieghart, Julius Zimmerman 2 – 2.20 pm and 5 pm – 5:20 pm
Dresden „Jenseits der Dissonanz“ – Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen … | ConTrust Collective (DE)
Performance | Great hall Mehr Infos 3 pm – 3:15 pm
Almost Nothing | Maria Chiara de’Nobili
Dance | Great hall Almost Nothing was developed in collaboration with Vigevo, TU Dresden, and SKD. The work wants to focus on the processes of forgetting, losing memories, and along with it, losing everything that makes us who we are. It wants to emphasize the emotions generated by that. From the frustration of seeing one’s life fade out, to the joyful moments generated by glimpses of memories hidden in someone’s mind. 6 – 7:20 pm
Multiple Choice – Ein Experiment | Irina Pauls and guests
Performance | Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau, Moritzburger Weg 68, 01109 Dresden Starting out from the working world of the carpentry trade, the audience, together with carpenters from Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau, the musician Eric Busch and the choreographer Irina Pauls, experience various physical movements that unexpectedly gain in importance and condense into a story. The performance gives the audience a direct and comprehensible insight into the choreographer’s artistic process. The inspiration for the experiment is based on her experiences during her residency with TANZPAKT Dresden at Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau. Limited capacities! Reservations at
>>>> Consistently 11 am – 6 pm >>>>
create connections | Lotte Mueller
Participatory installation | Kulturgarten How can we connect in an analogue way? “Create connections” is a game manual that invites all visitors to become active, experiment and participate.
still stehen | Anna Till/Barbara Lubich
Video and sound installation Dalcroze Hall + Workshops 1:30 – 2 pm, 2:30 – 3 pm In their research residency, Barbara Lubich and Anna Till have dealt with the perception of time. For this purpose, they took a trip on the disused boats of the Saxon Steamship Company and conducted interviews with several people. The video images observe the supposed standstill. The audio play gives insight into conversations about the perception of time. The short workshop is about experiencing temporality in and of movement and trying it out in contrast to the everyday pace of movement.
Hauswuchs | Magdalena Weniger (DE)
Installation | Cultural Garden The greenhouse in the cultural garden is a research station of the Artist in Garden resident Magdalena Weniger/KOMA. She investigates growth, prosperity and decay, interplay and codependence: between man and environment, between man and man. Here you can browse through notes, books and small artistic sketches, have a conversation with the artist and reflect on some of her work yourself. 12:30/14:30/16:30 Magdalena Weniger invites you to a 20-minute encounter to provide insight into her work and to try it out in practice together. + Meeting 12.30, 2.30, 4.30 pm
Rita Represents | specialist company rita grechen
Installation | Cultural Garden Theater must change. But where to? Rita Represents wants to find out the opinions and wishes of the inhabitants of Dresden about the theater and at the same time deal with the relationship between the claim to representation and the own will to create. A documentation of the results and the process will be presented on September 13, 2020, on the day of the open monument in the cultural garden of the Festspielhaus’ Hellerau. fachbetrieb rita grechen; from and with: Laura Immler, Hannes Köpke, Ferdinand Nowitzky, Laura Pföhler, Konstantin Sieghart, Julius Zimmermann
Asphaltstudien | go plastic company
Interactive installation | Portikus In its current project “Asphalt Worlds”, the go plastic compagnie deals with shelter and homelessness. The moving and choreographed body in public space between adaptation and disobedience. The collective invites to an interactive spatial inspection and design and gives an insight into artistic research and practice. Artistic research/instruction: Cindy Hammer & Susan Schubert,
Anthologie des Gartens | Rosalind Masson & Florence Freitag
Magazine | Foyer An anthology is a gathering of flowers; a collection from the garden and in the sense of our work, compost. From textures and texts, earthy co-existence, invented / found soil structure analysis to drawings and quotations dedicated to a gift that we can hardly give back, or can we? In this collection we give insight into our research; question the “beautiful” garden and its origin, breath together with the Pine tree and recognise in the apple a long forgotten relative. Is that what you mean by care-companion? Magazin Download
„Desertion“ – aus dem Zyklus „Der sprechende Körper im System“ | Nora Otte/David Le Thai
Video installation | Studio East On the trail of families from Dresden, their husbands, fathers, sons deserted in the second half of the 19th century. No house left standing… vacant lots. At the time, there was hope for return. Pleas for mercy to the emperor. The longing for the loved one, who broke out of the system to live. Nora Otte and David Le Thai share impressions from their research on petitions for pardon in the Lebensgeschichtliches Archiv für Sachsen and the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden.
MACHT#2 | Collections | Johanna Roggan/Benjamin Schindler
Video installation | Corner Salon East During their TANZPAKT residency, Johanna Roggan / the guts company and Benjamin Schindler / zeitgebilde researched the status quo of universal human rights in Europe. For this day, they open their research archive and show materials, texts and films, expand their interviews live with guests that visit on the day and give space for thoughts, images, stories or memories on the topic.
Moving or Being Moved | Fang Yun Lo/Polymer DMT
Video | Ground floor east In their video, Dresden-based choreographer Fang Yun Lo and set designer Cheng Ting Chen, both from Taiwan, talk about their initial research into puppetry and object theatre for contemporary dance. The research took place in Dresden and in Ilan/Taiwan.
Sailor_Log: third ocean | Caroline Beach/Markus Stone
Performative installation | Studio West One Sailor has set up a radio station in outer space, the other Sailor rather a TV show for appliances. From these two overlapping realities they talk about process, Ljubljana, defunctionalized socialist leisure architecture, and how anarchists help to keep a city alive. They do not always speak the same language, but they have come to the same conclusion: sailing is not so much about having a boat. It is more about finding third languages and finding new ways to listen to the oceans between words. Caroline and Markus will present their research from their residency in an installation that combines sound, sculpture and intervening bodies.
VISIT | Isaac Spencer/Franz Ehrenberg
Video | Niesche West Isaac Spencer and Franz Ehrenberg researched intersections in their artistic practices, how Franz creates his paintings and how Isaac creates his dances. Using their commonalities and differences they created situations in space to test the experience of the viewer in cooperation with their partners from Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden and Volkssolidarität.
Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen | Teresa Lucia Forstreuter (DE)
Video | Staircase West During the acute corona crisis Teresa Lucia Forstreuter developed a solo to the Rückert Lieder by Gustav Mahler in collaboration with the HELLERAU – European Centre of Arts and the Landesjugendorchester Sachsen. The planned performances with orchestra and baritone singers were cancelled and an alternative artistic expression was sought and found as a master’s thesis for her choreography studies at the Palucca University of Dance. The result is a 22-minute film in the form of a journey from the cramped Berlin Walter Gropius skyscraper to secluded nature, from being moved by external influences to being moved intrinsically. Which parts of us are allowed to die? Which are reborn? Titles: I am lost to the world | Choreography, dance and direction: Teresa Lucia Forstreuter | Camera and editing: Larissa Potapov | Costume: Giuliana Savari | Make-up Design: Adriatica Bodyart | Drone: Michal Closta | Music: Rückert Lieder by Gustav Mahler | Musical interpretation: Singer Peter Mattei and the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra