Elaine Mitchener

2024/25 DTzM Musik
Photo: Wendy Huynh

“MOVING EASTMAN” is a dance and sound performance that will premiere in London on April 3, 2025 and is inspired by the complex life of the black American composer Julius Eastman. Eastman, who died in 1990 at the age of just 49, is a key figure in American music of the late 20th century. As a black, gay composer of contemporary music, he lived every aspect of his identity to the full. His attitude was a total attack on the status quo. Inspired by his life and legacy, Moving Eastman responds to Mitsuye Yamada’s quote “Invisibility is not a natural state for anyone” and sparks a discussion about who controls the narratives and who tells the story. The work embodies his unconventional approach to art, which spans different genres and disciplines in search of artistic freedom. The performance is directed by Elaine Mitchener, a longtime collaborator with The Rolling Calf. The choreography and concept are by director Dam Van Huynh and the staging is based on found materials such as images, notes, interviews and sounds.

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Stroboscopic light effects will be used during the event and there will be moments of elevated sound levels. This can lead to physical discomfort in sensitive people.

Elaine Mitchener: vocals, movement and music direction
Dam Van Huynh: concept, choreography and direction

The Rolling Calf:
Jason Yarde: saxophone, electronics
Neil Charles: bass, electronics
Xhosa Cole: saxophone, percussion
Mike Picknett: sound

Produktion: BARBICAN London, unterstützt durch öffentliche Mittel des Arts Council England
Moving Eastman ist ein Auftragswerk von „Deep Time“, dem „Fruitmarket“ Festival für neue Musik, mit Unterstützung von Barbican, DTZM – Dresdner Tage der zeitgenössischen Musik, Musical Utopias – Den Haag, Britten Pears Arts, Centre 151 und EMProjects