
Ioannis Mandafounis, Dancers of the DFDC & the Palucca University of Dance Dresden

2024/25 JOIN Tanz Kulturpass

There is light. Something appears: an image, a formation, movement, development, transformation. Then it is dark. And then light again. Something new: it is massive, it turns, it vibrates, it encompasses everything. Dark. And light. A surprise. And dark. And light. And dark.

“Join” undertakes a simple and yet challenging attempt: how can dancers at completely different points in their development come together? How can an ensemble of professionals at the highest level dance together with a group of students? How do people come together in their diversity? What connections are possible that are not created by a standardizing and unifying norm? “Join” will take a step in this direction. Students from the respective city in which the performance takes place dance together with the ensemble of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company. In Dresden, around 60 students from the Palucca University of Dance are involved in the performance. The dramaturgy of the evening is determined by instant blackouts, which lend the scenes a special immediacy and constantly challenge the audience’s perception.

“Join” is funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation’s “Fonds Zero” program. This is intended to support cultural institutions in testing more climate-friendly forms of production and new aesthetics with the lowest possible climate impact. CO2 emissions are recorded during the process. Any potential savings that emerge are intended to make our working methods more ecologically sustainable in the future.

Duration: ca. 1 h
Language: English

The play contains scenes of absolute darkness, loud screaming and strobe-like lighting effects.

Behind the scenes of the production JOIN

In the short film, Ioannis Mandafounis, Carena Schlewitt, Annika Glose, Pina Schubert, Tobias Blasberg, Dietrich Krüger, Thomas Bradley and Nastia Ivanova talk about what it means to create a climate-friendly dance production together.


14.09. Performance “One One One”
17:00 – 18:30 Uhr “One One One” has already taken place on streets and squares, in hospitals, schools and shopping centres. Now the performance is celebrating its Dresden premiere and will take place with the entire DFDC ensemble at various locations in the city. If you take a seat, a dancer dances for that person as long as eye contact is maintained. A silent dialogue is created, a special encounter, also for the observers of the scene.

Everything around the performance

19.09. Official opening and premiere party
The official opening of ‘Join’ will take place at 19:00. Following the performance, we invite you to join in on the premiere party.
The premiere will be followed by a champagne reception with words of welcome. The following will speak:

  • Martin Heering, Managing Director HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts
  • Ioannis Mandafounis, Artistic Director & Choreographer Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company
  • Prof Katharina Christl, Rector Palucca University of Dance Dresden
  • Dr Sebastian Brünger, Programme Development Climate and Sustainability Federal Cultural Foundation

21.09. Introduction to the work
Find out more about the background to the production and the artists involved.
22.09. Audience discussion 
Dramaturge Philipp Scholtysik talks to Ioannis Mandafounis and DFDC dancers about the artistic work “Join”.
26.09. Audience discussion 
Program Director André Schallenberg talks to Ioannis Mandafounis about the artistic work “Join”.


20.09. Lecture with Nicola Bramkamp
Artistic Director SAVE THE WORLD
28.09. Lecture with Carolin Grumbach
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


02. – 05.09. Dance Workshop 60+ to “Join”
14.09. Community Dance Workshop to “Join”
21.09. Interspecies Awareness Workshop with Rosalind Masson
21.09. Workshop with Charles A. Washington 
28.09. Movement Workshop with Marlene Helling
28.09. & 29.09. Let’s Dance! – Dance Workshop for Kids

Ioannis Mandafounis has been the artistic director of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company since the 2023/24 season. He works with the ensemble using the live choreography methodology he developed. This enables the dancers to create a new choreography live on stage from their bodies, movements and actions in every performance and every moment.

The Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company is a contemporary dance ensemble under the artistic direction of Ioannis Mandafounis. It develops, presents and teaches dance with the desire to bring people together, inspire them and get them excited about dance. The Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company unites contemporary thinking and dance tradition by experimenting and rethinking and developing traditional notions of choreography. A central foundation of the company’s work is the methodology developed by Ioannis Mandafounis. This enables the dancers to create a new choreography live on stage from their bodies, movements and actions in every performance and every moment. This creates a collaborative process that strengthens the individual artists and opens up to the audience.

Choreography: Ioannis Mandafounis
Dance: Dancers of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company, Dance Students of the Palucca University of Dance Dresden
Choreographic Assistant: Pauline Huguet
Dramaturgy: Philipp Scholtysik
Stage and Lighting: Ioannis Mandafounis
Costumes: Thomas Bradley
Rehearsal Management: Smaralia Karakosta
Rehearsal directors with the dance students: Nastia Ivanova Thomas Bradley

A production of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company in cooperation with HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts. With the support of Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels. Funded by the ZERO programme of the German Federal Cultural Foundation. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. The Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company is supported by the City of Dresden and the Free State of Saxony as well as the City of Frankfurt am Main and the State of Hesse. Company-in-Residence at HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts Dresden and at the Bockenheimer Depot in Frankfurt am Main.