Nebenan/Поруч. Independent art from Ukraine 28.06. – 02.07.2023

The festival “Nebenan/Поруч – Independent Art from Ukraine” invites from 28.06.-02.07.2023 to performances, concerts, lectures, workshops and talks by and with Ukrainian artists and scientists. On the one hand, the contributions make visible how the war and the tense situation (existing since the annexation of Crimea in 2014) influence the biographies of the invited artists and affect their artistic practice in terms of content and form. At the same time, the program points show the multi-layered identity of Ukraine, its traditions and histories, its pop cultural influences and contemporary aesthetics. In the Festspielhaus and the Kulturgarten, HELLERAU presents artistic works and offers the opportunity for encounters, exchange and discussion.

With: Theatre of Playwrights, mariia&magdalyna, Hooligan Art Community, Svitlana Oleksiuk & Viktor Ruban, Fo Sho, Morwan, Dmytro Levytskyi, Olha Filonchuk, Andriy May, Bliadski Circus Queebaret, and many more.

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About the Festival "Nebenan/Поруч"

In the spring of 2022, HELLERAU presented independent contemporary artist:s from Belarus after the downed revolution of 2020 under the title “Nebenan/Побач”. The new edition “Nebenan/Поруч – Independent Art from Ukraine” is dedicated to the resistant power of Ukrainian contemporary art, especially in the performing arts. Since February 24, 2022, with the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, Russia’s war of aggression with violence and cruelty against the civilian population has continued. Several million Ukrainians have fled to neighboring European countries, and many have since returned home or are once again on the run. Ukrainian artists are engaged in voluntary service, act as medics or as soldiers in the war of defense, develop cultural offerings for Ukrainian soldiers, create donation platforms and continue their artistic work – as far as possible – on site or “in exile”. Remarkable are the many cooperations on a local and international level between artists, initiatives and institutions. New collaborative working relationships and networks are emerging worldwide, for example in the form of residency programs, community projects, or newly founded artist collectives.



Funded as part of the Alliance of International Production Houses by theFederal Government Commissioner for Culture, the Media and by the Federal Agency for Civic Education and Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony


Today:  Fri 25.10.2024