Tischgesellschaft: „Wieder da!“ Vol. 1
Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft (DE)
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Participate in a recurring dialogue in several episodes to share knowledge and resources with cultural practitioners and audience members!
This weekend, the many participants of the Tischgesellschaft will introduce themselves for the time being, as well as their plan to discuss sustainability and participation with the audience. They will open their archive with various podcasts, videos from the rehearsal process and an audio walk for you. The workshops and discussions that should have taken place live with the audience will be shared in various digital formats from then until April.
Among them are the artists of the fachbetrieb rita grechen collective: In the form of an audiowalk, visitors to the Tischgesellschaft in Dresden will be guided on an individual route through solo paths of remembering and repeating.
Listen in and browse here now!
In order to explore the economies and principles of sustainability and sharing from an artistic point of view, Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft will host a multi-part Tischgesellschaft with HELLERAU-Europäisches Zentrum der Künste from 22.1.2021, which will focus on re-performance and open up dialogue between national artists, sociologists, philosophers, archivists and spectators.
In the spirit of repetition as a gesture of transmission, the table society “Back again!” is planning an online programme in several episodes, consisting of processes of re-enactment, audience conversations, lectures and panel discussions knitted around the questions: What reusable resources does a play hold? What does revival have to do with sustainability? What is the function of waste in art? What produces repetition? For whom does one perform something again?
Antje Pfundtner in company, who is better known at HELLERAU for her choreographies, opens the discourse of re-performance with her own re-performance process of her piece “Vertanzt”, premiered in Hamburg in 2011. Due to the lockdown caused by the pandemic, no revival will take place in front of an audience. Antje Pfundtner shares her working process of re-appropriation, which lasted several weeks, and the reflections on it in company in a film documentary, which HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts will broadcast on 22.1.2021.
As they cannot be present, the Tischgesellschaftler:innen have left voice messages to introduce both themselves and their project to discuss sustainability and division with viewers. They will gradually upload different podcasts, videos and audiowalks until April and also invite to live digital discussions or workshops.
Participating in the “Back again!” table company are:
Antje Pfundtner in company (Anne Kersting, Jana Lüthje, Hannah Melder, Antje Pfundtner), Christina Ciupke (performer and choreographer), Henning Fülle (dramaturge, cultural researcher, founder of “Performing the archive”), Adrienne Goehler (theorist, publicist, curator and initiator of the travelling exhibition on expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability “ZUR NACHAHMUNG EMFOHLEN! “), fachbetrieb rita grechen (interdisciplinary artistic collective), the HELLERAU team, Michael Hirsch (philosopher, political scientist, art theorist and author), Andrea Keiz (video artist and documentarian), Konglomerat e.V. (practitioners of sustainable development). (practitioners of sustainable development), Christiane Kühl (journalist and theatre maker), Barbara Lubich (freelance filmmaker), Fabrice Mazliah (dancer and choreographer), Michael Müller (artistic director of Theaterdiscounter Berlin), Patrick Primavesi (Prof. of Theatre Studies Leipzig and director of the Dance Institute Berlin). for Theatre Studies Leipzig and Director of the Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V.), Anke Strauß (Organisational Sociologist and Head of MA Strategic Sustainability Management Eberswalde), Anna Till (Freelance Dancer and Choreographer), Katharina von Wilcke (Cultural Manager and Curator)
More information in the HELLERAU online magazine: The audience:inside keeps us alive
André Schallenberg, Programme Director Theatre/Dance at HELLERAU spoke with Antje Pfundtner (AP) and Anne Kersting (AK).