Theatre forum
On this day, short presentations and discussions will take place in order to facilitate a personal exchange about initiatives, projects, institutions as well as artists and their working methods. Both Russian and German theatre makers from different parts of the country are invited.
Welcome coffee/tea | 9:30 – 10:00 p.m.
Impulse: New forms of theatre in Russia | 10:00 – 11:45 a.m.
The two curators and theatre critics Alexey Kiselev and Anastasia Pauker provide a brief insight into new forms, actors and groups in Russia’s current theatre and performance scene. Anastasia Pauker is currently working for the selection jury of the festival “The Golden Mask” 2020. Kiselev and Pauker were jointly responsible for the Russian showcase of the festival 2019. Kiselev also organises the Moscow festival “Forma” and is director of the mobile artist theatre, which has developed an audio walk app.
With: Alexey Kiselev, Anastasia Pauker
Panel: What does it mean to work freely? | 10:00 – 11:45 a.m.
Artists from the invited guest performances will sit on the podium, who will talk about their experiences of free theatre work and the conditions as free theatre artists in Russia.
With: Dmitry Volkostrelov, Ksenia Volkova, Ksenia Shachneva, Daria Andreeva and the artists of CO-TOUCH (Kristina Petrova, Katia Reshetnikova, Vera Shchelkina)
Coffee break | 11:45 – 12:15 p.m.
Theatre venues and festivals introduce themselves | 12:15 – 13:30 p.m.
Representatives of independent theatres and festivals will present their work in short pitches and exchange ideas with their German colleagues about differences and similarities in artistic conception and production in the afternoon.
With: Inna Yarkova (Ugol Kazan), Aleksey Mosolov (Odin Krasnodar), Victoria Babkina (Teatr 18+ Rostov am Don), Polina Kardymon (lab4dram Novosibirsk), Filip Vulakh (Access Point St. Petersburg Festival), Alexej Kiselev (Forma Festival Moscow)
Lunch break | 13:30 – 14:30 p.m.
Guided tour through the Festspielhaus | 14:30 – 15:00 p.m.
Free theatre production in Germany | 15:00 – 16:15 p.m.
Representatives of production houses and festivals of the independent scene in Germany will present their work and institutions and answer questions from their Russian colleagues.
With: Brit Magdon (Societaetstheater Dresden), Anne-Cathrin Lessel and Maiko Miske (LOFFT – The Theatre Leipzig), Walter Bart (Theaterhaus Jena), Amelie Deuflhard (Kampnagel Hamburg), Matthias Pees (Mousonturm Frankfurt/Main), Bernhard Herbordt (Herbordt/Mohren, Stuttgart), Haiko Pfost (Impulse Festival)
Coffee break | 16:15 – 16:30 p.m.
6 tables: exchange talks | 16:30 – 18:15 p.m.
Exchange talks on the topics “free production”, “public space”, “networks/festivals” and “content and aesthetics