Quo vadis russian theatre?
Marina Davydova
The interview with Marina Davydova for HELLERAU Magazine #2 – 2019 about the current Russian theatre situation ends with a bitter conclusion: “Russia is a big country with a lot of talented people. In the years of Stalinism so many people were killed and yet Russian art did not die.” While the interview rather gave a review of the last three post-Soviet decades, Marina Davydova will now give an outlook on the potential and tendencies of Russian contemporary theatre, also with regard to some further lines from the past.
Marina Davydova is editor-in-chief of TEATR magazine and artistic director of the Moscow NET Festival. In 2016 she was director of the acting programme of the Wiener Festwochen. She regularly publishes in “Theater heute” and has directed at the Berlin HAU (“Eternal Russia”) and the Thalia Theater Hamburg (“Checkpoint Woodstock”).