Installation “DIARY LAB: Dear friends, how does it end?”
with students of the HFBK Dresden
A group of students from the ‘Bewegtbild’ project class at the HfBK Dresden Art Academy met in November 2024 for a DIARY LAB in room 311 of the university. Over the course of three days, they explored the works of American avant-garde filmmakers such as Jonas Mekas, Anne Charlotte Robertson and George Kuchar, experimented with the camera as an extension of their bodies and observed their inner selves and external influences. Since then, the group has seen the diary as a practice that unhinges everyday life – or reveals the fleeting nature of present moments.
As part of the premiere of the four-part project ‘Letters Home’ by aliveduo in HELLERAU, Room 311 moves to the Ecksalon Ost and shows traces of moving images, audio impressions, spoken and written words.
From and with:
Andrea Massuci, Alena Starostina, Hafssa Amina Codraro, Ivan Nikolaev, Ivo Krys, Jonas Freudenberger, Katharina Rauscher, Lamia Šabić, Laura Urbanski, Patrick Will
Opening times:
14.01. and 15.01. Each open hour before the first performance and one hour after the last (17:00 – 22:00)
18.01. One hour before the performance and one hour after the last (19:00 – 23:00)
14.01. Reception with sparkling wine in the Dalcroze-Saal