In search of the lost snow

the guts company

2024/25 2023/24 Familie Tanz

Ticket Special!
*Family tickets for 23/30/33 €

The Dresden-based group the guts company once again sets off in search of the lost snow. In cooperation with the SENCKENBERG Naturmuseum Dresden, HELLERAU is showing the work for everyone aged four and over as a revival on three dates.

The snow hare is terribly hot. As always at this time of year, he has changed his fur – from light summer brown to winter-thick white. It does this to protect itself from the cold and predators. But this year it is somehow far too warm. The lizard and the song thrush are also wondering. Is it really winter already? Then why isn’t it snowing? The three animals decide to get to the bottom of the matter and set off in search of the lost snow. They find themselves in a wide variety of weather conditions and survive many an adventure together.

The inclusive dance piece takes the young audience on an atmospheric journey and tells the story of the consequences of global warming from an animal perspective. It is about friendship, courage and, last but not least, the beauty of being different.

Duration: ca. 40 min
Language: German
Recommended for everyone 4 years and older

the guts company is a Dresden-based dance company founded in 2013. Their artistic practice is characterized by an open, interdisciplinary approach. In addition to stage pieces, the company realizes performative installations, site-specific productions and discourse formats. Most recently their production “Power#3 – Hope” could be seen at HELLERAU. 

Artistic direction: Meike Schmitz, Romy Schwarzer
Dance: Sophie Hauenherm, Luise Scholz, Romy Schwarzer
Text: Meike Schmitz
Stage / Art: Jule Heidelbach
Costume / Figure illustration: Julia Pommer
Music: Ludwig Bauer
Video: Marlene Blumert Marlene Blumert
Light: Falk Dittrich 
Performance Video: Lilly Mittländer
Translation into German Sign Language and Outside Eye: Sabine Flohr, Daniela Krabbe
Outside Eye: Johanna Roggan
Theater pedagogical support: Nicole Dietz
Documentation: Benjamin Schindler
Graphics: Kolja Linowitzki
Company Management & Production Management: Kati Thiel 
Production assistance: Rosina Zeus
Distribution: Dirk Förster
Social Media: Anne Lippert
Financial Management: Elke Rudolph

A coproduction of HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste und Heitere Fahne/Frei_Raum Bern. An event of HELLERAU in cooperation with SENCKENBERG Naturmuseum Dresden.

Supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste, the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony, the Landeshauptstadt Dresden – Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz, Aktion Mensch and the Heidehof Stiftung