Artificial Museum [ARM]


HYBRID Pre-Shows 2021/22
Artificial Museum

Daniela Weiss and Jascha Ehrenreich (TheSystemCollective) go #tothemoon. On the basis of their digital artwork, which they will place in front of the Festspielhaus, they will give an introduction to the idea and the community around the Artificial Museum [ARM].

The cultural mission of the Artificial Museum is to create, communicate, research, archive and present (digital) art in public space. The ARM has a special focus on the digitisation of analogue art from all genres, from performance and painting to video and audio installations.

The ARM uses the space between analogue and digital worlds as a permanent and experimental playground – through a web-based AR app, the gps-anchored artworks are made accessible worldwide.

In this way, the ARM redefines the concept of “museum”: the “building” of the Artificial Museum is expanded through public participation, it is everywhere and borderless and open 24/7.

Visit the Artifical Musem. 

The ARM is run by TheSystemCollective, an alliance of independent artists, makers, programmers, engineers, philosophers, activists and scientists, with the aim of collectively transforming our world through art and technology and creating a record of what could be and what might have been. So that the future can look back and see the circles that humanity has drawn in search of its meaning and purpose.