go plastic company – Performance/ Art/ Dance/ Film 2019/2020
Genre: Performance/Art/Dance/Film
Partner: TENZA Schmiede
Project in HELLERAU: We’re Used to Being Darker
The 2019 project of the go plastic company under the artistic direction of choreographer and dancer Cindy Hammer and dramaturge Susan Schubert deals with structures, dynamics and characteristics of a societal idea under imprisonment: the female prison. With an extremely diverse cast, the production WUTBD was developed last year. It doesn`t only include the site specific performance which premiered in October 2019 during the festival „89/19 Vorher/Nachher“ in HELLERAU, but also a web series with 10 episodes. The original bowling alley of “Hellerauer Sporttreff” becomes the platform of presentation which each performer uses to not only present their “story” and perspective, but also to live it and to enable others to experience it.
Dossier We're Used to Being DarkerWhat inspires you? Many many things, but first of all: the artistic work and the interaction of people, the exploration of new spaces and to draft and experience project-based constellations. We are inspired by the interconnectivity of disciplines and skills as well as the encounter of backgrounds and biographies.
Your first three thoughts about HELLERAU? One of the most beautiful places to work at. A meeting place that feels like a big home to us where we meet colleagues, get to know new people access and deepen exchange and generally have a great time. A place that inspires us, provides opportunities, strengthens us in what we do and that promotes and encourages us.
How would you describe your way of working? We work very intuitive. We pick up on things we come across and which occupy us sustainably. The form of the projects, the design of the artistic outputs and the project-related casts are always based on the specific topics. We are interested in an open-minded and trustful working method and we research and develop together with our team and the performers. The results are collected and enriched. Afterwards we delve into filtering, cleaning and arranging.
go plastic on Facebook
Instagram @go_plastic_company