All workshop offers at a glance

You want to get active in our HELLERAU studios, garden or stages? Then sign up for our workshops! We offer these regularly during the season with local, national and international artists.

You can register here for our current workshop offers.
Our dance workshops are generally suitable for anyone aged 16 and older; if a workshop is also open to younger participants, this will be indicated on the respective event page.

We will send a confirmation of registration for the workshop one week before the start of the event. So don’t worry if you don’t receive a confirmation straight away. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee participation if you register last minute, but we would still be happy if you come by and give it a try if the workshop is not booked out. If the workshop is fully booked with try to communicate this as soon as possible.

You have special requirements? Then send us an email to in advance so that we can ensure the best possible conditions.

All questions to workshop capacity, meeting location and more can be sent to: 
T +49 351 264 62 37

Today:  Sat 08.02.2025


HELLERAUmoves: Voguing with Mother Monika Velvet
Sat 08.02., 11:00, Free Entry
Fully booked!
2024/25 Nebenan HELLERAUmoves Workshop
Yoga for Seniors
Fri 14.02., 10:00, 3 €
Mehr Infos
2024/25 Workshop 60+
Community Dance
Sun 16.02., 14:00, Free Entry
Fully booked!
2024/25 Workshop
17.02. - 20.02.: Dance workshop 60+
Mon 17.02., 10:30, 32 €
More infos
2024/25 JOIN Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company Workshop
Yoga for Seniors
Fri 14.03., 10:00, 3 €
Mehr Infos
2024/25 Workshop 60+
Sat 29.03., 10:00, Free Entry
More infos
2024/25 HELLERAUmoves Workshop Tanz
Yoga for Seniors
Fri 11.04., 10:00
2024/25 Workshop 60+
Yoga for Seniors
Fri 09.05., 10:00
2024/25 Workshop 60+
Yoga for Seniors
Fri 13.06., 10:00
2024/25 Workshop 60+
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