European Residency Program: Moving Identities

HELLERAU is part of a new European residency programme that focuses on diversity in the performing arts.

Funded by The “Creative Europe” Programme, the 3-year residency programme titled “Moving Identities” will have its kick-off in 2023.

Amid the trials and tribulations in Europe these days, there’s something to celebrate in the performing arts. Across the borders of Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Norway, and Spain, six performing art venues celebrates the grant of a 3-year residency programme titled “Moving Identities”. 

Art reflects life

The project is founded in Denmark at The Development Platform with Mikkel Harder as director. About the “Moving Identities” project, he explains:

“In this time of multiple crisis, we’re all reminded of something we have done wrong in the past. Maybe not as individuals or as institutions but on a much larger scale. With this grant we can support performing artists from six European countries in their search for a new European Identity. The focus of the artistic research and creation is a new and more including perception of European identity, – not fixed to nationality, gender, body, believes. Hopefully their work will be an inspiration to us all in how to avoid some of the mistakes of the past and a step towards a more human, including and sustainable world”.


Residencies across borders

Moving Identities is a 3-year residency exchange for performing artists in six European countries. A total of 72 artist will travel between their home country and two other countries and will be part of creating a more sustainable, diverse and including platform for European identities in the performing arts. 

The six venues who will be hosting the residencies are: The Development Platform for the Performing Arts (Denmark), Vonk (Belgium), Nau Ivanow (Spain), HELLERAU (Germany), Davvi – Centre for Performing Arts (Norway) and Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (STL) with Vaba Lava (Estonia). 

In addition to the residencies, five advisory partners will each have a role in working towards a more sustainable and diverse culture within the European performing arts.

The advisory partners are: CKI – The Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture (Denmark), Sustainable Performing Arts NOW (Denmark), Himhearandit Productions (Denmark), ITI – Internationales Theater Institute (Germany) and DCI (Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, Estonia). 


High praises from the beneficiaries

The “Moving Identities” project is funded by The “Creative Europe” Programme and gets high praises from within the programme. They say: “They include highly relevant impacts of implementing better practices in the performing arts in creating social inclusion.”

The “Creative Europe” Programme also says that: “(…) relevant parts of the project will continue to have an impact in the future, such as the published resources, the policies created by the partners and the impact of artistic networks created for future collaborations or new funding”.


How "Moving Identities" work

The aim with the project is to achieve greater diversity of identity represented in the performing arts across Europe and to strengthen underrepresented artists’ international networks and visibility through international residencies. Moving Identities also enables the sharing of best practice amongst the partners, ensuring they develop tools to support diverse artists and themes.

Each year, a group of artists is selected in each country. Each group receives 3 residencies across the year: 1 in their country of residence, and 2 internationally within the project. It’ll give them the opportunity to develop their creative practice. The artists also meet online to network and receive mentoring.

Through exploring what it means to be European now, “Moving Identities” investigate how the performing arts connect us and contribute to a more just and collaborative Europe.


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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