RAC – Refugee Art Center
With the event “Wortasyl” the project Refugee Art Center started on 24.09.2016, which summarized all activities of HELLERAU by and for fugitives until June 2019. “Wortasyl” should give a voice to especially literarily active fugitives and enable them to be creative themselves and to exchange ideas. Since 2016, various art projects have taken place with this aim, either for refugees and international Dresden women* or guided by artists* with a history of refugeeism. The result was a common platform for fugitives, artists and activists. People got to know each other, came into contact with cultures, religions and living environments that were foreign to them. This has created understanding and trust in order to live together. With various projects in the fields of dance, theatre, visual arts, music and politics, the Refugee Art Center was able to anchor artistic positions of fugitives in HELLERAU and promote participation in cultural life. Over the past three years, more than 45 different activities have taken place. The spectrum ranged from long-term projects to individual events and workshops. The focus has always been on mutual learning and transcultural discursivity.
The Refugee Art Center was funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees with 150,000 euros from 2016 to 2019.
Selected projects
Im&ExportMoves (2019) – Das neue interkulturelle Tanztheater Projekt von MultiMoves
Premiere: 30.06.2019
Being Hier (2018/2019) – Internationales Theaterprojekt für Frauen
WORTASYL (2016/2017) – Stories from home and a foreign land – Intercultural reading in cooperation with the initiative “Brücken schaffen”
HAMS (2016-2018) – International women’s group run by the Spanish choreographer Avatara Ayuso
MULTIMOVES (2017-2018) – International theatre project run by Olga Feger, Ahmad Abdlli, Matthias Markstein and Marco Tabor
BEING HERE (2017-2018) – International theatre project for women examining homeland, identity and belonging, directed by Ellen Muriel.
RAC – Refugee Art Center HELLERAU is a project of HELLERAU – European Centre of the Arts.
Our project partners are Sächsische Flüchtlingsrat Dresden e.V., Ausländerrat Dresden e.V. and the City of Dresden’s Commissioner for Integration and Foreign Nationals.