Im&ExportMoves – The new intercultural dance theatre project by MultiMoves
The new intercultural dance theatre project of MultiMoves started in February 2019. Together with dancers from Burkina Faso, Paris, Dresden and Brazil, the actor*in Olga Feger developed a piece with forms of expression from West African and contemporary dance, drama and performance elements. With movement, dance, drama, language and music, the participants* dealt with their visions, longings and very personal dreams. The result was a dance theatre piece that will premiere in June 2019 in HELLERAU.
The project was aimed at theatre and dance enthusiasts aged 13 and over with and without escape experience. No previous knowledge was necessary, neither in drama nor dance, no knowledge of German was needed, only curiosity and joy of playing. From 04 February 2019 rehearsals took place together every Monday from 17-21 o’clock in the industrial area.
Questions and Infos:
Olga Feger (Projektleiterin)
T 0163 412 800 0
Ein Projekt von Afropa e.V. in Kooperation mit HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste im Rahmen des RAC – Refugee Art Center HELLERAU.
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