Fast Forward 2024 - European Festival for Young Directors
14. – 17.11. Fast Forward – European festival for young stage directors
Every November, Fast Forward invites seven to eight young theater directors from all over Europe to Dresden with their productions. The Kleines Haus becomes the festival center and the city, together with the Staatsschauspiel’s cooperation partners, becomes the festival circuit. For an extended weekend from Thursday to Sunday, the audience can move from one performance to the next and discover how and with what themes the newcomers are producing theater. Supertitles and interpreters ensure that everyone can understand each other. Discussion formats and festival parties invite people to get to know each other. The Fast Forward Festival Forum invites students and experts from all over Europe to Dresden to exchange ideas. On the last evening, an international jury awards the festival prize, which consists of an invitation to a new production at the Staatsschauspiel Dresden. There is also the Youth Jury Prize and, of course, the Audience Prize. With Fast Forward 2024, you can look forward to open spaces, young theater from all over Europe, unexpected encounters, controversy, entertainment and everything in between.
You can find all further information about the festival here.
Curator and artistic productions management: Charlotte Orti von Havranek
Production management: Heli Meisterson
Fast Forward is a festival of the Staatsschauspiel Dresden in cooperation with Hellerau – European Center for the Arts, the Dresden University of Fine Arts and the Kunsthaus Dresden, with the support of the Förderverein Staatsschauspiel Dresden e. V. and the European Theatre Convention ETC