Festival on heritage and tradition in contemporary art
Erbstücke Programm Download To the installations as part of “Erbstücke”. The installations start on all festival days one hour before the beginning of the event, free of charge. It is difficult to escape the concept of heritage in Dresden: as an old cultural and residential city, almost every building, every date and every district carries a considerable weight of “heritage”, which is fought for emotionally and fiercely. Reason enough for us to take a closer look at this term and its use in the performing arts. How does heritage actually generate itself, how do traditions and customs emerge, when is memory worth remembering, when does it burden us? And how are these concepts politically instrumentalized? Who decides who may refer to which heritage, how dynamic are traditions, and how do they change in contact with each other? Via the positions of different contemporary artists from different European countries we would like to shed light on these questions, which are very relevant and present for all of us in the socio-political debate. The artists have found their own, individual approaches to singular traditions and deal with them. These dealings are therefore both entertaining and differentiated invitations to look at one’s own “heirlooms” and past, and to let them grow into the future. We look forward to exciting presentations from dance, theatre and performance, to films and guided tours as well as stimulating conversations with you!
Invitation to tender | Erbstücke von Dresdner Bürger*innen wanted. Supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses. Rahmenprogramm in Kooperation mit: Gymnasium Bürgerwiese Dresden, Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Physiotherapie Carus Akademie, Sächsische Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft (sLAG) Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalsozialismus, Kulturbüro Sachsen, Hatikva e.V., Evangelische Hochschule Dresden, riesa efau, Kultur Forum Dresden und Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit, Denk Mal Fort! e.V. und Institut für Sächsische Volkskunde e.V.