Viktor Černický


Watch Out Familie Tanz Performance 2022/23

22 chairs, an obsessive rhythm and a determined dancer – in the performance “PLI” the conventions of dance are turned upside down. With tremendous patience and also a little bit of madness, Czech choreographer and dancer Viktor Černický stacks chairs in and on top of each other, plays with them, rearranges them again and again, and in the process transforms them into imaginative sculptures and astonishing architectural fragments. With a lot of humor, a playful solo at the intersection of dance, physical theater and new circus is created.

The event of “PLI” published in the printed monthly program on Thu, 16.03. will not take place. Instead, Viktor Černický will show excerpts from “PLI” on 18.03. during the Long Night of Dresden Theaters.

for all from 6 years

Duration: 40 min.
