Gwendolyn Sasse, Nataliia Lomonosova & Dmytro Levytskyi

Ukraine: Gesellschaftliche Transformationsprozesse und Demokratieentwicklung seit 1991

Nebenan Gespräch 2022/23

Gwendolyn Sasse, political scientist and director of the Center for East European and International Studies (ZOiS), talks about the formative role of repeated mass protests for Ukraine’s transformation. In contrast to histories of transformation focusing on elites and state institutions, she makes Ukrainian society the main actor in the transformation – with all its hopes, disappointments, forms of political participation, and networks.

Sociologist and scholar Nataliia Lomonosova provides an overview of civil society initiatives and forms of civic participation in Ukraine, using examples from the urban, grassroots, and workers:inside movements, as well as human rights activism, and analyzes how they have changed since the beginning of the war.

Dmytro Levytskyi is a director, writer and media artist. In his artistic practice he considers urban space as a theater stage. He is the author of nearly 20 audio walks in Ukrainian, Polish and German cities. Based on his latest audio installation “Photos of Sichovyh Striltsiv street”, he talks about working in public space in Ukraine and his experiences.Duration: approx. 2 h.

Language: german, ukrainian

Україна: процеси суспільної трансформації та розвиток демократії з 1991 року Гвендолін Зассе, політолог і директор Центру східноєвропейських і міжнародних досліджень (ZOiS), розповідає про формуючу роль неодноразових масових протестів для трансформації України – з усіма надіями і розчаруваннями. Соціолог і дослідниця Наталія Ломоносова робить огляд громадських ініціатив і форм громадянської участі в Україні та аналізує, як вони змінилися з початком війни. Дмитро Левицький у своїй художній практиці розглядає міський простір як театральну сцену. На основі своєї останньої аудіоінсталяції “Фотографії вулиці Січових Стрільців” він розповідає про роботу в публічному просторі в Україні та свій досвід.

Тривалість: близько 2 годин.

Мова: німецька, українська

Prof. Gwendolyn Sasse has been the Director of the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) in Berlin since its establishment in 2016. She is also the Einstein-Professor for the Comparative Study of Democracy and Authoritarianism at Humboldt University, Berlin (since 2021). Previously, she was Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Oxford. Her research interests include the dynamics of democracy and authoritarianism, protest, war and migration/displacement. Her current research in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine concentrates on public opinion in Ukraine and on displacement from and within Ukraine. Her book The Crimea Question: Identity, Transition, and Conflict (Harvard University Press 2007; paperback 2014) won the Alexander Nove Prize of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies. In October 2022 her new book “The War against Ukraine” was published by C.H. Beck (in German). The English translation will be published by Polity Press in September 2023.

Nataliia Lomonosova is a sociologist and researcher. She is a senior analyst and area coordinator for social policy at Cedos, one of the leading Ukrainian think tanks in the field of education, migration, urban development. She specializes in social and labor policy, civil society and labor research. Since the beginning of Russia’s all-out war against Ukraine, it has been engaged in studying the impact of the war on Ukrainian society, with a particular focus on vulnerable populations.

Dmytro Levytskyi is a director, writer and media artist based in Kiev. In 2019 he was the curator of the Warszawa Biennial program dedicated to the immigration of Ukrainians:inside to Poland in the last 5 years. In 2021 he founded the theater project “Miskyi Theater”, specializing in works in public space in Kiev. His projects are presented internationally (including “Collective photo in Bitterfeld”, Germany 2022; “Audiophoto 27 of May 2022”, Lithuania; “Who is heard in the Beilis case”, Ukraine 2022).