Dance and movement in the classroom

Workshop with dance teacher Sarah Weber

Workshop for primary school teachers

Workshop online
Foto: PR Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company

How can learning content of primary school lessons be conveyed and deepened through dance and movement? In this workshop you will get suggestions and materials on how to physically experience the contents of various subjects through dance and movement.

In addition to conveying tangible learning content, dance and movement also have a positive effect on the lessons. In this way, the children’s urge to move is satisfied and, in addition, their orientation, concentration and memory skills are strengthened. This makes learning at school more interesting, exciting and efficient.

Under the guidance of Sarah Weber, a qualified dance teacher and stage dancer, children learn movement games and dance exercises that can be used in almost all subject areas of primary school lessons. The pupils experience even very abstract learning content with their own bodies. This makes learning even more fun – for pupils and teachers alike!

01. und 08. Februar 2021 14:30 – 16:30 Uhr

09. und 16. Februar 2021 19:30 – 21:30 Uhr

06. März 2021 10:00 – 14:00 Uhr

10. März 2021 10:00 – 14:00 Uhr


until 31 January 2021 for online workshops

Registration to


Sarah Weber
Education and mediation
Phone: 0162/105 93 28

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