Slovakia at a crossroads: The rise and fall of liberal democracy

Radoslav Štefančík

2024/25 Nebenan Vortrag

The way in which the current Slovakian governing coalition under the leadership of Robert Fico communicates politically is based on a dichotomous view in which “the others” and “the foreigners” appear as enemies of the Slovakian people. After a look back at the 1990s, political scientist Radoslav Štefančík explains in his lecture who the current Slovak governing coalition considers to be enemies and analyzes decisions and statements by government politicians that in their essence contradict the principles of liberal democracy and give cause for concern.

Radoslav Štefančík is a political scientist, Germanist and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Languages at the University of Economics in Bratislava.

Duration: ca. 1 h
Language: German with simultaneous Slovakian translation