Let’s Talk
Coffee & conversation with local and Slovakian cultural actors
In short presentations, Slovakian and local artists will talk about their activities and cooperation strategies. What characterizes their venue, festival or network? How do they work together? With whom? What issues are they currently dealing with and to what extent do they influence their artistic output? The presentation will take place in Pecha Kucha format: 20 images (slides) will be shown for 20 seconds each, thus setting the speaking time. Afterwards there will be time for exchange and discussion.
With: Petra Fornayová (Nu Dance Festival), Anna Till (TanzNetzDresden & villa\wigman), Zuzana Psotková (Tabačka Kulturfabrik), Laco Oravec (ANTENA Network for independent culture & NOVÁ CVERNOVKA), Michaela H. Pašteková (Platform for Contemporary Dance (PlaST) & Telocvičňa – Dance Residency Center), Stephan Hoffmann, Heiki Ikkola (Societaetstheater), Martin Krištof (Kiosk Festival), Barbara Lubich (Zentralwerk).
Duration: ca. 1 h 30 min
Language: English