Karlheinz Stockhausen: Music in the belly
Simon Steen-Andersen, Les Percussions de Strasbourg
In 1975, Karlheinz Stockhausen composed an enigmatic work for the ensemble Les Percussions de Strasbourg after a dream. His score contained more stage directions than music in the true sense of the word-and this music consisted of twelve melodies linked to the signs of the zodiac and “represented” by music boxes that the composer had specially made. Almost fifty years after the composition and the premiere of the work at the Festival de Royan, Les Percussions de Strasbourg commissioned composer Simon Steen-Andersen to develop a new production. He was guided by a simple question: What might “Music in the belly” have looked like in Stockhausen’s dream, even before he woke up?
Stockhausen’s work will be presented at HELLERAU by Ensemble Les Percussions de Strasbourg in Simon Steen-Andersen’s new version as a German premiere, as a musical prelude to 2023 and at the same time as a prologue to the 31st Dresden Contemporary Music Days, planned for April 2023 at HELLERAU.
little language
Duration: approx. 1 h
19:00, Dalcroze Hall
Programme introduction to the 31st Dresden Contemporary Music Days with Moritz Lobeck and Elisabeth Krefta (HELLERAU)
19:30, Dalcroze Hall
Introduction to “Karlheinz Stockhausen: Music in the belly” by Simon Steen-Andersen
20:00, Great Hall
Start concert
Music: Karlheinz Stockhausen (1975)
Concept/Direction/Electronics: Simon Steen Andersen (2022)
Les Percussions de Strasbourg: Lou Renaud-Bailly, Olivia Martin, Vanessa Porter, Léa Koster, Hsin-Hsuan Wu, Yi-Ping Yang
Stage: Albane Aubin
Project management: Claude Mathia, Étienne Démoulin, Raffaele Renne
Construction of the stage: Albane Aubin
Executive production and commission: Les Percussions de Strasbourg
Co-production: Festival Musica, La Muse en circuit
A production in the framework of the programme for the promotion of artistic creation “Mondes Nouveaux”.
*The original piece was premiered at the Festival de Royan in 1975 and commissioned and performed by Les Percussions de Strasbourg. Edition: Stockhausen Verlag