Dresden, a city that for centuries has been a major cultural centre, has in recent years developed into an internationally significant research and technology location and the most important European location for the semiconductor industry. In the next few years, investments worth billions will also make the city and region one of the world’s leading control centers for IoT basic technologies as a smart systems hub.
How is this development reflected in the local media art scene? How is this scene positioned to creatively and critically analyze and discuss the possibilities and challenges of digital transformations – but above all to help shape them?
These and other questions will be discussed within the framework of this symposium. In addition to the positions, perspectives and potential of female artists, collectives, initiatives and institutions of the city of Dresden and the Saxon region, exemplary developments of recent years in North Rhine-Westphalia or international media art networks such as MUTEK (Montréal) will be put up for discussion, and guests such as the artists Nora Al-Badri (Berlin) or Charlotte Triebus (Düsseldorf) will bring very personal positions into the discussion.
Daily schedule
10:30 Registration
11:00 Welcome Annekatrin Klepsch, Deputy for Culture and Tourism
11:15 Technoheritage. Keynote by Nora Al-Badri
12:00 Dresden Media Art Scene(s) – Situation and Perspective. Discussion round with Ulf Langheinrich (CYNETART), Thomas Dumke (TMA), Andreas Ullrich (C.Rockefeller), Roland Schwarz (Technische Sammlungen Dresden), Pierre Ed (DAVE), Felix Buchta (objekt klein a), Ulla Heinrich (dgtl fmnsm), Julia Langhammer (PYLON)
13:30 Lunch break
14:30 Best-Practice Digital: Medienwerk NRW / MUTEK festival.
With Jasmin Grimm (Curator, Berlin/Düsseldorf), Charlotte Triebus (Artist, Düsseldorf) and Katharina Meissner (Strategic Development,
15:00 Next-Steps Digital: Silicon Saxony & Media Art – A region reinvents itself?
Discussion round with all previous panelists as well as Paul Schengber and Emma Chapuy (WISP Leipzig), Franz Thiem (IFZ/balance Leipzig), Stefan Prins (Studio Elektronische Musik Dresden), Dr. Friedrich Blutner (3D-Audio Sachsen)
16:30 Media art and cultural policy in Dresden.
Closing discussion with Manfred Wiemer, Head of Office
17:00 End of the podium event, bar open
18:00 Blue hour. Installative concert by as part of Appia Stage Reloaded | Festival in the Great Hall of the Festspielhaus Hellerau