Exhibition Opening: Dual

Robin Woern

2022/23 Ausstellung HYBRID Box
Photo: Robin Woern

The installation “Dual” is an artistic interpretation of infinite quantities in mathematics. Media artist Robin Woern translates the fact that an infinite set of numbers spans between zero and one into a differentiated aesthetic form. Two cylinders open up a visible space in between. The idea that an infinity can lie in this limited in-between, however, remains abstract.

The installation is completed by electronic sounds of the Dresden artist Jacob Korn (Uncanny Valley). Minimalist composition and the simplicity of the sculpture mirror each other, creating a spherical, artificial-looking environment.

Duration of the installation: 06.07. — 04.09.,
open daily 15:00 — 21:00 h


Robin Woern (*1993 in Böblingen) is a media artist and designer. He studied communication design at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd and visual communication at the UdK Berlin. He currently lives and works in Berlin and is also a master student of Prof. Carsten Nicolai at the HfBK Dresden. In his work he deals with the visualization of data, noise and (non-)human interactions.

Jacob Korn – Dual I [13:04] Stereo File, 2023
Jacob Korn – Dual VI [04:18] Stereo File, 2023

Georgianna Manafa, Luisa Roth, Thomas Schmelzer, Ralf T., Niklas Thran

The exhibition is presented by PYLON and is sponsored by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony. This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament.