Demise to a void but it doesn’t go anywhere


time & s_pace 2022/23
Foto: Joao Pedro De Paula

Further exploring the demise of vertical bodies and their instability, the duet depicts two individuals slowly drowning into a continuous loop as they undergo ordinary life situations. As the choreography of those actions is repeated, the perception of these individuals disappear until they fall into a void. But they don’t go anywhere.

Duration: 20 Min.

Language: English

Brazilian choreographer and performer Joao holds an MA in Choreography from the Palucca University in Dresden, Germany (2020). His work focuses primarily on societal themes such as education and communication, making use of a cynical, witty, absurd voice to create dance that comments on his understanding of our times.

Joao created multiple short pieces in Austria until 2018, co-choreographed the Opening Ceremony of the Neue Bauhaus Museum Dessau, had his work performed in Germany and Switzerland, and attended choreographic residencies in Europe and Canada. In 2020, Joao conceived, produced and performed his first full-evening work, a solo piece titled BILDUNG?, for which he created the choreography, sound design and text. 

Choreography, creation & sound design, text: Joao

Set & costume design: Greta Wilhelm

Performers: Caroline Rodrigues & Camille Jackson

Photos: Carsten Beier

Supported by the City of Dresden, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen, Fonds Darstellende Künste. Produced in co-production with HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden.