Contemporary Insights

With works by Tobias Schick and Clara Maïda

DTzM Auswärts Konzert Musik 2022/23

Under the direction of Zachary Seely, the Contemporary Insights ensemble presents the world premiere of a new chamber piece by Tobias Schick and a cycle by the rebellious French composer Clara Maïda, who celebrated her 60th birthday in January 2023. 

Contemporary Insights represents and unites the creativity, internationality, diversity, cultural heritage and intellectuality of Leipzig – the city of music. It reflects these qualities and adapts them to current issues from the contemporary art scene. The ensemble is an international group of musicians and composers who value their diversity; diversity is an essential part of their identity. Contemporary Insights aims to bring together new audiences, composers and performers to explore and enjoy the world of contemporary music together. In doing so, it makes some of the most complex and challenging works composed today accessible to a wider audience.  

Recently, the debut CD “A Thing Made Whole” was released by Kairos.  

The Ensemble Contemporary Insights was one of three ensembles selected in the whole of Germany to receive the InSzene Promotion Prize of the German Music Council. It was supported ideally and financially for two years (2021-2022).  

Duration: approx. 1 hour
Venue: Zentralwerk, Riesaer Str. 32, 01127 Dresden


18:30 Pre-Concert Talk

19:00 Concert 

Kinêm(a)bstract, Clara Maïda (2012)

Kinê-Diffr(a)ct, Clara Maïda (2008)

Archival Explorations, Tobias Schick, (UA, 2023)


A project by Contemporary Insights in cooperation with Zentralwerk e.V. and HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts in the context of the 31st Dresden Contemporary Music Days.