COLOR & LAMENTO: A musical theater of the labyrinth
CONTINUUM XXI & AuditivVokal Dresden
Together with the vocal ensemble AuditivVokal Dresden and the ensemble Continuum XXI, the world premiere of two compositions by Alyssa Aska and Alberto Arroyo takes place in combination with ‘enharmonic’ or microintervallic works by Nicola Vicentino and Emilio de Cavalieri (16th century).
Like a labyrinth, the various compositions wander through a fog of orientation difficulties, blurring tones and relationships to one another. Moreover, the composers resemble each other in their search for fundamental structures in music and their questioning of them.
The labyrinth has served various cultures over the centuries as a projection surface in the search for knowledge: a convoluted place of disorientation, of searching, of dead ends and uncertainties. The seeker is always caught in the process of uncertainty, of questioning himself or herself and of fear in the face of impending resignation and failure.
By developing a special spatial dramaturgy within Romy Rexheuser’s installation, a musical-spatial examination of the theme of disorientation and irritation takes place. The spatial realization is designed for three different rooms within the Festspielhaus Hellerau.
Duration: ca. 1 h 30 min
Artistic direction, idea, concept: Alberto Arroyo and Romy Rexheuser
Musical direction: Olaf Katzer
Room conception and implementation: Romy Rexheuser
Compositions: Alberto Arroyo, Alyssa Aska, Nicola Vicentinos and Emilio de Cavalieris
Ensemble Continuum XXI:
Conductor: Alberto Arroyo
Moisés Maroto
Adrián Pineda
Ekaterina Gorynina
Darío Tamayo
Paula Pinero
AuditivVokal Dresden:
Conductor: Olaf Katzer
Anne Stadtler
Katharina Salden
Stefan Kunath
András Adamik
Cornelius Uhle
Production management: Nicole Meier
COLOR & LAMENTO is supported by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony, LHD Office for Culture and Monument Protection, Music Fund, Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden, the Stiftung Kunst und Musik für Dresden and the SLUB Dresden.