Bronislava Nijinska Dance Reconstruction
Svitlana Oleksiuk & Viktor Ruban
Choreographer Viktor Ruban is committed to preserving the experimental Ukrainian dance and theater heritage of the 1910s to 1920s. During this period, the prominent dancer and choreographer prominent dancer and choreographer Bronislava Nijinska developed her progressive ideas about movement and dance in Kiev – far from her former ballet life in Russia. She and her experimental colleagues were ahead of their time with their radical theories of movement: for them, the arts could break free from narrative.
The project “Bronislava Nijinska Dance Reconstruction” initiated by Ruban and the choreographer and researcher Svitlana Oleksiuk reveals how modern dance developed during this period – from the preconditions and the search for innovations to modern techniques and aesthetics that can still be found in contemporary dance today. Together with their team, they combine archival materials and movement repertoire to create an innovative and evocative performance.
An audience discussion will take place afterwards on June 30.
Moderation Prof. Dr. Patrick Primavesi (Professor of Theater Studies at the University of Leipzig and Director of the Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V.)
Duration: approx. 1 hour 30 min.
Language: Ukrainian with English subtitles and German audio accompaniment
Хореограф Віктор Рубан прагне зберегти експериментальну українську танцювально-театральну спадщину 1910- 1920-х років. У цей час видатна танцівниця і хореограф Броніслава Ніжинська розвинула в Києві свої прогресивні уявлення про рух і танець. Проєкт „Реконструкція танцю Броніслави Ніжинської“, ініційований Рубаном та танцівницею Світланою Олексюк, поєднує архівні матеріали та репертуар рухів в інноваційну та атмосферну виставу
Після показу 30.06 відбудеться дискусія з глядачами.
Модератор – професор, доктор Патрік Прімавезі (професор театрознавства Лейпцизького університету та директор Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V.).
Тривалість: близько 1 години 30 хвилин.
Мова: українська з англійськими субтитрами
Viktor Ruban is a curator, choreographer, researcher, performer, educator, independent cultural diplomat and cultural activist. He is the founder of Ruban Production ITP Ltd. and program director and co-founder of the independent international dance platform “Impulse of Transformation”. He is the initiator and ambassador of the Ukrainian Emergency Performing Arts Fund initiative and Ukraine’s representative in the European Parliament of Culture. More info at:
Svitlana Oleksiuk is a choreographer, performer, researcher and educator. Since 2005 she has been a performer and dancer in theater and dance performances shown at festivals in Ukraine and abroad.
Yana Shliabanska is a composer and sound artist from Kiev. She is the author of chamber and orchestral music, interactive sound installations, music for theater and performances, and electroacoustic music that has been performed in Ukraine, Portugal, Germany, Poland, Spain, France, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, the Czech Republic, Austria, Norway, the Netherlands, and the United States.
Diana Hebre is a dancer, performer, movement researcher and English teacher from Kiev. She completed her dance training at the Kiev State Ballet School. In 2016, she began combining her classical ballet background with a physical approach to movement and vocal expression.
Olha Kebas is a performer, director, researcher and educator, curator and cultural manager. She worked as a lecturer of contemporary dance (theory and practice) at universities and colleges in Kiev and is the curator of the performance art program at GogolFEST.
Olha Vidisheva is a dancer, performer and teacher from Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine. Her greatest passion is storytelling through symbols and images and nonverbal connection with the audience.
Viktoriia Khoroshylova is a movement artist and choreographer from Odesa. She is a co-director of the performance group P.L.O.T., which collaborates with museums and galleries in the field of contemporary art. Her work focuses on civil art and the war in Ukraine, personal freedom, responsibility and the realization of creative potential.
Curator and producer: Viktor Ruban
Choreographer and researcher: Svitlana Oleksiuk
Dramaturge (external eye): Viktoriya Myronyuk
Dancer/performers: Viktoriia Khoroshylova, Diana Hebre, Olha Vidisheva, Olha Kebas
Composer, music and sound design: Yana Shliabanska
Set and costume design: Bohdan Polishchuk
Lighting design: Yevhen Kopiov;
Partners: Braty Art Studio and Museum of Theatre, Music and Cinema Art of Ukraine The project was supported with general funding from: Ukrainian Cultural Fund;