Education for Sustainable Development in Art and Culture
using the example of HELLERAU - European Centre for the Arts Dresden - a transfer of knowledge
Development is sustainable when people worldwide, present and future, can live with dignity and develop their needs and talents while respecting planetary boundaries. Such a societal transformation requires strong institutions, participatory decision-making and conflict resolution, knowledge, technologies and new patterns of behaviour. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) empowers people to think and act in a sustainable way, according to the general definition of ESD.
The Office for Culture and Monument Protection of the State Capital Dresden has set itself the goal of addressing sustainability as a concern within the framework of cultural development planning in Dresden. Together with HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts, we have been running a pilot project since September 2020.
For this purpose, HELLERAU has been working together with Plant Values over the last few months on anchoring ESD more firmly and revising the existing offers for prospective teachers, educators and students as well as developing sustainability strategies in the area of communication and outreach.
We would like to share the results and present the process to you in a transparent way so that we can continue to work together on further strategies for a sustainable Saxon cultural landscape in the future.
- Welcome Dr. David Klein, Office for Culture and Monument Protection, State Capital Dresden &
Carena Schlewitt, HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts - Project presentation and knowledge transfer “Education for sustainable development in art and culture using the example of HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts Dresden”.
- Questions & discussion
- Outlook: Information on the “Culture for Future” strategy project
Juliane Moschell, Office for Culture and Monument Protection, State Capital Dresden