Aus dem Nebel des Krieges: Die Gegenwart der Ukraine
Katharina Raabe, Kateryna Mishchenko & Oksana Dutchak
The editors Katharina Raabe and Kateryna Mishchenko and the author Oksana Dutchak will read from her book “Aus dem Nebel des Krieges. The Present of Ukraine.”
Since Russia’s attack on Ukraine, thousands of people have died, hundreds of thousands have suffered terror and destruction, millions of citizens have fled. Yet, supported by the West, the state and society are holding on. Out of the fog of war, a new, uncertain future is emerging. The authors of this volume – writers, scholars and activists, artists and journalists – capture the simultaneity: the ruination of life and its places; civil and military self-assertion; the will to create a new, peaceful homeland. They describe and analyze the situation of traumatized people in war – their profound change, their ability to nevertheless find themselves in very unclear times.
Duration: approx. 2 h.
Language: German, Ukrainian
Через димову завісу війни: сьогодення України Через димову завісу війни постає нове, невизначене майбутнє. Письменники, науковці, активісти, митці та журналісти констатують одночасність: руйнування життя та його витоків; цивільного та військового самоствердження; бажання миру на батьківщині. Редакторки Катаріна Раабе та Катерина Міщенко, а також авторка Оксана Дутчак читають уривки з нещодавно опублікованої книги.
Тривалість: близько 2 годин.
Мова: німецька, українська
Katharina Raabe, born in Hamburg in 1957, is an editor for Eastern European literature at Suhrkamp Verlag. She studied music, musicology and philosophy in Hanover and Berlin and worked as a violin teacher, assistant editor and, from 1993 to 2000, as literary editor at Rowohlt Berlin. For her dedicated promotion and dissemination of Eastern European literature in Germany, she received the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2007 and the Cross of Merit 1st Class in 2022.
Kateryna Mishchenko, born 1984 in Poltava, essayist, translator and co-founder of the independent publishing house Medusa in Kiev. She worked as an interpreter in the human rights field and co-founded the journal of literature, art and social criticism Protory. Her essays have appeared in international journals, anthologies, and as a book: Ukranian Night/Ukrajinska nitsch (2015). She is currently a fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.
Oksana Dutchak, born in Kalush in 1987, is a sociologist and deputy director of the Center for Social and Labor Research in Kyiv. She is co-editor of Spilne/Commons Journal in Kiev and is currently continuing her academic work at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. Her research interests are workers:inside protests, gender inequality, social reproduction, care work, Marxism, Marxist feminism. After the invasion, she fled with her sons to Leipzig.