ArtRose – Das 60+ Community-Tanz-Ensemble
Mit Jenny Coogan (Professorin, Palucca Hochschule für Tanz) (DE)
The workshop will not be feasible on-site due to the Corona pandemic and will be offered via Zoom. Registration to is requested. After you register, we will send you an access link to the ArtRose Zoom meeting.
Movement and dance for the young at heart over 60. Participation encouraged, spectating allowed. No previous experience or physical requirements necessary – just a desire and a good mood. The 60+ community dance ensemble called ArtRose and HELLERAU regularly invite you to experience movement and dance without physical limits.
The vitality and expressiveness of mature age is celebrated in this workshop. A focus aims to draw attention to sensory perception and kinesthetic feedback in a way that encourages joy and playfulness. Mediation strategies are guided by exploratory movement tasks and dance “improvisation scores” that happen with the idea of opening up space for personal feeling and interpretation. Thus, the worry of ‘not getting it right’ does not even arise. Dancing is based on individual and contextual choice, and demands focused attention, presence and curiosity from practitioners. Everyone is welcome. The goal is to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels that we are dancing together while still maintaining the precepts of social distancing.
The event takes place here via Zoom.
To enter the Zoom webinar, we recommend installing the Zoom app on the appropriate device. Based on testing to date, the webinar can also be accessed without the app in the Google Chrome browser. Before joining, you will be asked for your name and email address. This is for technical reasons only. The data will not be transmitted to the host (HELLERAU).
Note: Spectators cannot participate in the webinar via microphone or video. Requests to speak and questions are possible via the “Q&A” button.
When downloading Zoom, you must agree to their privacy policy and thus to the transfer of data to the USA. We use Zoom because, to our knowledge, it is currently the platform with the lowest barriers to entry for a diverse group.