Musicboard Berlin: Camille


November - December 2023

Hans Unstern is working on a new song cycle during his residency at HELLERAU. New texts are being written on topics such as the revaluation of care work, criticism of the belief in technology and progress and non-normative gender identities. This results in new songs that are arranged on the self-made harp and other instruments. Sound recordings are first made in the improvised recording studio.

The residency is supported by mentoring from Katharina Warda.

Katharina Warda is a sociologist and freelance author. In her work, which encompasses various artistic and journalistic text and sound genres as well as film, she deals with marginalized perspectives. She focuses on the topics of East Germany, racism, classism and punk. She is currently working on a novel and two documentary films that focus on her perspective as a Black East German woman.

Katharina Warda

In cooperation with Musicboard Berlin