Mike Dele Dittrich Frydetzki & Ko. – Theatre/Performance 2019/20
Partner program: LOFFT – Das Theater Leipzig
Genre: Theater/Performance
Project name in HELLERAU: “We take this lack personally” in the framwork of the Festival 89/19 – Vorher/Nachher In the performance “We take this lack personally”, the artist, who was born in the East shortly after the fall of communism, works on her own lack of GDR experience. She searches for feminist role models in the not yet disappeared but little told legacy of GDR action art and East Punk. Collaboration with Anna Adams (sound, conceptual collaboration, performance technician), Marie Simons (final direction, conceptual collaboration), Marten Flegel (production, dram. consulting, care work), Franziska Goralski (room/outfit), Antonia Kamp (support room/outfit) and Klara Lyssy (lighting design, performance technician)
What inspires you? Open questions, which arise from experiences and stories and which many people are up against. Not narrated, supposedly marginal, forgotten. Queer ways of life, forms of existence that are not readily visible.
Your first three thoughts about HELLERAU? Flashback, 29.10.2019 We sit in the car and drive to Hellerau, on the radio plays the song “Goldener Reiter” in repeat. We speed up euphorically on the huge square in front of the Festspielhaus. We brake sharply, the tires squeak, the ground crunches, we stand. And we have our premiere today.
How would you describe your way of working? We test collective ways of working. We test role assignments. We change them as needed. At the beginning of the trial we defined the following ground rules:
- Max. 8h rehearsal per day. Free days and off-time is important.
- Respect for individual needs outside the work context for each other.
- Rehearsal conditions: Air, sun, food (self-prepared with varying responsibility).
- Self check inside the group to keep update with changing needs.
- Dealing with bad moods: communicating mood and taking it seriously.
- Moderation roles can be taken up by everyone.
- Everyone may always interrupt and the process is not more important than its participants.