Ich bin frei | Я свободен

Dmitry Volkostrelov/Pavel Pryazhko/teatr post

German premiere | Lecture Performance | Russian with German surtitles


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The text of the piece “Ich bin frei” (engl. “I am free”) consists of 535 pictures and 13 captions. As requested by the playwright Pryazhko, these images are projected onto a screen and each of them is given a projection time of seven seconds. The images appear in a fixed order to form a complete, albeit non-verbal action – or rather several separate stories that an attentive viewer can easily deduce. Sometimes this meditative show summarizes stories, and just like in real life they fall apart again. A viewer can spend some time alone with himself/herself, thinking slowly or immersing himself/herself in thoughts that inevitably emerge in response to a known melancholy or lack of action in the photographs.

Here in the theatre we have a rare opportunity to forget the author and reflect a little on reality, especially since the only actor Volkostrelov himself is the one who shows us the slides of these melancholic pictures taken by Priazhko.
Kristina Matvienko

I have often said that as a director I prefer to deal with texts that challenge me. I like to work with documentary text structures for which no theatrical equivalent seems to be found at first glance. In this sense, the new play by the Belarusian playwright Pavel Pryazhko completely revokes all traditional rules of the theatre.
Dmitry Volkostrelov

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