For Schools

Offers for young people, groups and school classes

Workshops for groups and school classes

A visit to the theater as a fun compulsory educational project? It’s much more than just that! Artistic experiences and encounters with culture can open up new perspectives and help to form new ideas. A glimpse into the world of HELLERAU offers an exciting opportunity to try out and discover new things.

In addition, by touching on the content of various school subjects such as art, drama, music, ethics, politics, history and sport, students are able to expand the horizons of their own knowledge.

Children and young people of all ages and school types as well as extracurricular youth groups are welcome to take part!

As part of projects such as Young Stage, artist workshops or the Kulturgeflüster youth editorial team, there is an opportunity for everyone to get involved and express their own creativity.

Workshops with artists from all over the world for young people

On request, we are happy to arrange offers for young people to come into direct contact with artists from all over the world and the HELLERAU staff to get to know the exciting world of the cultural sector.

Participants can watch rehearsals, take part in workshops and experience performances with the option of getting an introduction into the work before the show begins.

For individual arrangements and information on planned dates, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Jule Fuchs
Head of Audience Development, Cultural Education, Community-Building 
T +49 351 264 62 37