Open Call: Living-room dancers

Photo: Arya Dil

Together with the dance company Cie Nicole Seiler from Lausanne (CH), HELLERAU is looking for amateur dancers of different dance styles and all ages for the project “Living-room cancers” as part of the festival “Dance together”. 

“Living-room dancers” takes the audience on a choreographic tour through the garden city of Hellerau. At several stations, dancers (non-professional) of various styles can be seen dancing in private apartments. Equipped with binoculars and headphones, the audience watches these dancers from outside.

Since its premiere in 2008, “Living-room dancers” has been recreated in more than 25 cities with local dancers. The dancers choose their own music and whether they want to dance alone, as a couple or in a small group. A video installation showing interviews with the dancers and a documentary film complete the evening.

If interested get in contact with:

Casting: 15., 16. and 17. March 2024 (exact date by arrangement)
It is possible to apply alone, as a couple or as a small group. 
Performances: 9., 10. and 11. May 2024, 21:00 h
Rehearsals: An approx. three-hour rehearsal between 10. and 20. April 2024 (exact date by arrangement)
General rehearsal: 7. or 8. May 2024

More information about the project: