Open Call Bandstand-Songcamp

Bandstand-Songcamp in HELLERAU

15.02.23 to 18.02.2023 – Application deadline: 10.01.2023, 23:59 hrs.

In February 2023 we will gather for the first time in HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts to hold a Bandstand Songcamp on site in the Festspielhaus. In small groups (between 2 – 4 songwriters) you will compose, write and produce songs on the fly. The groups are put together anew every day. You either start from scratch or bring already existing song sketches into the process. In the evening, we listen to the production status so far, exchange ideas, motivation and obstacles and inspire each other. 

You will receive 300 € for your participation.

The song camp is something for you if you:

  • have a strong connection to Saxony (your centre of life or your place of work is Saxony).
  • feel at home in pop, rock, jazz, electro and all related subgenres.
  • can take the entire period from 15.02.2023 to 18.02.2023.
  • already have some experience in songwriting and are open to new approaches and ideas.
  • feel like working in small groups.
  • want to make new contacts in the industry.
  • would like to present the freshly written songs to a (professional) audience at the Fachtag POP and at the Bandstand Festival.

We are awarding six places for this song camp to artists from Saxony. Simply apply by 10.01.2023, 23:59.

Apply here!

Wednesday, 15.02.2023

9 a.m. Arrival & getting to know each other

10 am first songwriting session

13 hrs Lunch break

15 hrs Second songwriting session

20 hrs Audition of the day’s work

Thursday, 16.02.2023

from 10 am Songwriting Session

from 15 hrs Rehearsal for Showcase

from 20 hrs POP Showcase

Friday, 17.02.2023

10 a.m. first songwriting session

13 hrs Lunch break

3 pm second songwriting session

20 hrs Audition of the day’s work

Saturday, 18.02.2023

from 10 a.m. “Cleaning up” of the songs

from 14 hrs Dress rehearsal Bandstand Showcase

from 7 pm Bandstand Showcase

Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert durch Steuermittel auf der
Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtags beschlossenen Haushaltes.

This was Songcamp 2021