27.03. – 29.03.2020

+++ Canceled +++ Hybrid – Cutting Edge Canada

Next Hybrid – Cutting Edge Canada 2021

In collaboration with the international festival and network MUTEK , Canadian electronic sound and new media artists will be presented and celebrated in HELLERAU and objekt klein a at the start of “Hybrid”. Cadie Desbiens, Line Katcho, Chloe Alexandra Thompson, Alexis Langevin-Tétrault, Lucas Paris, Matt Thibideau & Markus Heckmann, Ourielle Auvé, Gene Tellem, Sabrina Ratté and – and as an outlook on “Hybrid – Cutting Edge Japan 2021” – a current project by Ryoichi Kurokawa. Also on the program: workshops curated by The Constitute with Cleo Dölling, Moritz Simon Geist, WISP Kollektiv and MASS (curated by PYLON).

Friday, 27 March 2020 from 19:00: Opening Sky Screen Bar and reception by the Canadian Embassy and MUTEK

Also there:

AV3RY – AI SOCIAL BOT | Alexander Schubert >>> Av3ry.Net

Is they the longed-for future? Free of all contexts? The wildly chatting with his audience, composing music and writing poems, the avatar Av3ry was developed for HELLERAU in 2019 by the composer Alexander Schubert and the graphic artist Pedro González Fernández and put in 24/7 readiness.


HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 56, 01109 Dresden
PYLON-Lab, Wallgassen 2, 01097 Dresden
objekt klein a, Meschwitzstrasse 9, 01099 Dresden


Digital Timetable – Here you will find our list of all – not only Alliance-financed – productions from this thematic focus until May 2020 (as of January 2020).