Vernissage: MASS #hybrid
works by Anna Ådahl, Bogomir Doringer, Clemens v. Wedemeyer
The upcoming exhibition MASS opens on June 12th at PYLON-Lab. The exhibition will present works by Anna Ådahl, Bogomir Doringer and Clemens v. Wedemeyer. As the artists, filmmakers and researchers they explore the phenomenon of the human body as a vehicle of political movements and social transformation processes.
By means of new media, Ådahl, Doringer and v. Wedemeyer document, analyse and translate different strategies of using the human body as a politically operative element in crowds and society as a complex structure.
MASS will present works that raise questions of the conditions and the complex structures between the individual and the collective, (semi-) private and public space, as well as control and flow of the human body in the 21st century.
In the light of not only the global coronavirus pandemic, but the protests against police brutality and racism that are taking place worldwide at the moment, the works of the exhibition serve hauntingly accurate as a survey of different mechanisms of society and its digital manifestation.
MASS reflects on the modes of how humans move through space and time as both individual parts of society and as a collective and how technology has become a dissecting and controlling mechanism of these movements.
By means of new media, Ådahl, Doringer and v. Wedemeyer document, analyse and translate different strategies of using the human body – natural or digital -, as an operative element in crowds and society as a complex structure.
MASS reflects on the modes of how humans move through space and time as both individual parts of society and as a collective and how technology has become a dissecting and controlling mechanism of these movements.
By means of new media, Ådahl, Doringer and v. Wedemeyer document, analyse and translate different strategies of using the human body – natural or digital -, as an operative element in crowds and society as a complex structure.