undsonstso #80

Branchentreff der Dresdner Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft

Limited number of seats. Early appearance pays off.


For ten years now, the format “undsonstso” has been asking on every first Thursday of the month: “What’s good in Dresden and why is it worth staying? On behalf of the industry association WGD – Wir Gestalten Dresden – two actors* will answer questions at different locations and show what is creative and innovative in this city. Whether product designer*in or make-up artist*in, choreographer*in or publisher*in, art founder*in or club operator*in collective – in two short lectures we learn what drives these makers and what visions they have for this city.

In the 80th issue of “undsonstso”, the connection between dance, design and science will be examined in more detail. Guests will include André Schallenberg (Programme Manager Theater und Tanz HELLERAU) as well as Lenard Opeskin and Paul Judt with their concept “Modern Replacement”. Winner of the Saxon State Prize for Design 2018, they show a cyberphysical learning support for modern dance: with vibration belt, bracelet, app and beamer, choreographies of so-called replacements can now be rehearsed independently without further ensemble members. The former HELLERAU team provided the ideas.