Back again! – A reunion between art and audience
Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft APiG & Gäste
HELLERAU is back. We’re back. You’re back. Art is back, theatre and dance, and also APiG (Antje Pfundtner in company) is back.
Topic: My strongest theatre experience
What was your strongest dance or theatre experience? Which production, which choreography, which performance would you like to experience again, which scene can you tell again and again? The artists Antje Pfundtner, Anne Kersting and Jana Lüthje offer an exchange on these questions on Saturday, 20.6. at 16:00 in HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts. In the context of the staged discussion round, a free chair will be available for the participation of the guests or questions.
Actually, this weekend we would have liked to invite to APiG’s new production “Sitting is a good idea”. Unfortunately, it has to be postponed. Nevertheless, Antje Pfundtner and her colleagues came to Dresden, and together we now invite you to a performative reunion.
After a common warm-up we ask: What was your strongest dance or theatre experience? What would you miss if there were no more live arts? Which production, which choreography, which performance would you like to experience again, which scene can you tell again and again? Share with us what you have left and what vision we can develop together. There will be a free chair available for your participation or questions during the staged round of talks. We are happy if this chair is always occupied.
Back again! is a trend-setting afternoon between conversation, dance workout and sharing memories. Together with Antje Pfundtner, the dramaturge Anne Kersting and Jana Lüthje from the APIG team, choreographers from TANZPAKT Dresden and the HELLERAU team, we imagine the performative space for dance and theatre.
Choreographer Antje Pfundtner, dramaturge Anne Kersting and the rest of the APiG team work on various questions concerning knowledge transfer, sustainability and strategies in the arts within the framework of their format “table societies”. In HELLERAU they will organize the table society “Wieder da” in January 2021 on the theme of the revival. The joint commemoration of important, formative theatre events is an important part of the research.
In 2020, TANZPAKT Dresden offers several choreographers from all over Saxony the opportunity to do research at various partner institutions and develop new ideas for productions and projects. At the same time as Antje Pfundtner’s Tischgesellschaft, a winter academy will take place in January 2021 in HELLERAU, where TANZPAKT Dresden residents will exchange ideas with other choreographers on strategies for artistic research and links to social themes.
Both formats, Tischgesellschaft and TANZPAKT Dresden, will be funded together with 13 other projects throughout Germany from the same federal programme “TNZPAKT – Stadt Land Bund”.