Tiarella Hybrid – eine botanische Persönlichkeitsstudie

Magdalena Weniger/KOMA & Ko

Premiere | Live audio description on 15.10.


The strong-voiced performer Magdalena Weniger and the musician Jarii van Gohl embark on an expedition into the plant world in a multi-layered performance with live arrangements. Growing, being repotted, adapting, thriving or dying. Socialisation processes are matched with botanical growth cycles, personal anecdotes are interwoven with memories of the family garden, science finds a surreal transfer in movements in space and time.  “Without plants, who would know that everything has a root?”.

I am the 6th of 7 children
seven natural births
my mother is an animal
dandelion or tiger lily
I am also
an animal
Tiarella (hybrid)
ground cover
also called ‘Black Velvet
velvety leaves
deeply notched
with dark red-brown markings along the leaf veins
Flowers white, with a hint of pink

In their 3-part botanical work cycle, KOMA&Ko get to the bottom of the dynamic human-environment exchange and collaborate with experts from art and science. In addition to “Tiarella Hybrid”, the audiovisual and installation performance brach und wild (Sept ’21) and COMPOST COMPOSING (June ’22), a choreography through the garden, will be created. Under the label KOMA & Ko, Magdalena Weniger and Linda Pilar Brodhag produce cooperative projects between Dresden and Freiburg that playfully move between dance and installation, performance and experimental space-sound experience.

Please note!
Stroboscopic light effects will be used for considerable periods during the event. This may cause health problems for sensitive persons.

+ Audience discussion afterwards on 14.10. 

+ Workshop

ArtRose – Dance workshop Magdalena Weniger and Linda Brodhag, movement and dance for all the young at heart over 60.
Free admission
Info and registration to workshop@hellerau.org or +49 351 264 62 37