The Artists Are Present – Livestream

Artist residencies in cultural exchange


A digital symposium of the ADIR – Working Group of German International Residency Programs.

During the Corona pandemic, residency programmes for artists have proven their worth and have shown themselves to be viable structures for international cultural and knowledge exchange. Especially in this time of crisis, the enormous importance of international cooperation became clear. As laboratories for a change of perspective, residency programmes often serve as models for the question of how we want to live together.

Cultural and knowledge exchange thrives on polyphony and diversity. How can this be guaranteed in the long term? The presence of artists on site is indispensable for interactions in culture and society. How can the mobility of artists be preserved – even in times of crisis? What places are needed for social cohesion in times of upheaval, and how can residency programmes contribute to this?

On 23 June 2021, the Arbeitskreis Deutscher Internationaler Residenzprogramme (ADIR) invites you to a digital symposium to discuss the future of international artistic exchange after and during the pandemic. After an opening statement by Minister of State Michelle Müntefering, MdB Claudia Roth and MdB Ursula Groden-Kranich, DJ and producer Sarah Farina and writer Deniz Utlu will explore in conversation with ADIR speakers what forms of encounter we will need in the future.

What does local presence mean for cultural exchange and social understanding? What are the benefits of digital encounter formats, how much personal contact does international dialogue need? How do we maintain protected spaces for artistic-creative thinking, acting and research?

The digital symposium will be opened by Johannes Ebert, Secretary General of the Goethe-Institut and an opening statement by Michelle Müntefering, Minister of State for International Cultural Policy at the Federal Foreign Office.

Discussing in a livestream:

  • Claudia Roth MdB, Vice-President of the German Bundestag and Chairwoman of the Subcommittee “Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy”.
  • Ursula Groden-Kranich MdB, Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy
  • Deniz Utlu, writer and journalist, former fellow of the Akademie Schloss Solitude and the Goethe-Institut
  • Sarah Farina, DJ and producer, Musicboard Berlin fellow in Detroit

moderated by the speakers of ADIR:

  • Elke aus dem Moore, Director of Akademie Schloss Solitude
  • Silvia Fehrmann, Director of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Programme
  • Stefan Hilterhaus, Artistic Director PACT Zollverein Essen

The “Working Group of German International Residency Programmes” brings together representatives of around 20 institutions active in Germany and abroad. Residency programmes for artists, cultural workers, media makers and academics enable creative processes, productions and sustainable dialogue through a change of perspective.

About the self-image of ADIR and its members:

Duration: 1 h 30 min.