+++ Canceled +++
Sons of Sissy, Simon Mayer (AT)
The city newspaper Falter described Simon Mayer’s solo SunBengSitting among the top theatre pieces in the 2014 review as “a brilliant, naked yodelling interplay of folk and contemporary dance”. In Simon Mayer’s group piece Sons of Sissy, the cosmos of traditions, folk dances and folk music, from which the Upper Austrian peasant boy Simon Mayer originally comes, is once again in focus.
In an experimental way, the four performers and musicians make use of traditional alpine live music, various group dances and ritualistic practices. They liberate these from conservatism and conventions and establish a novel fusion of artistic reinterpretations and temporary social attributions of meaning. Beyond categorization and pigeonhole thinking, the Sons of Sissy live up to their name: they sometimes act as a weird folk music quartet, sometimes as an experimentally playful ritual dance combo, and radically and humorously break up traditional male role models in customs.