Sächsischer Förderpreis für Demokratie 2019
Feierliche Preisverleihung
On 12 November 2019, 6 p.m. this year’s prizes of the Saxon Promotion Prize for Democracy will be awarded in the Festspielhaus Hellerau zu Dresden.
The award honours and dignifies initiatives, municipalities and companies that are committed to democracy, human dignity and against discrimination in Saxony. The prize is awarded by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, the Freudenberg Foundation, the Cellex Foundation, the Dirk Oelbermann Foundation and the Sebastian Cobler Foundation.
You can look forward to discussions with the seven nominees, greetings by Mayor Annekatrin Klepsch, Director Carena Schlewitt, the laudation by Cem Özdemir, music by Sebastian Krumbiegel and a video presentation of the ACTIONS project from HELLERAU. The ceremony will be moderated by Dr. Eva Sturm (Cellex Foundation) and Bastian Wierzioch (MDR Kultur).