Peter Pan – Ein Tanzstück
Tänzer:innen der Tanzabteilung & Dresdner Jugendsinfonieorchester des HSKD
The dancers of the dance department of the HSKD together with the Dresden Youth Symphony Orchestra (DJSO) bring “Peter Pan”, an enchanting dance piece, to the stage. 130 children and young people put this classic of children’s literature into dance and music – an unforgettable event by children for children.
Wendy Darling dreams of love. Her hero is Peter Pan. A boy full of strength, imagination and magic, who does not want to grow up. He lives in Neverland with his fairy Tinkerbell, nymphs and the lost boys. There he fearlessly faces the battle with his adversary, the dangerous Captain Hook and his pirates. One night, Peter takes Wendy and her brothers into his world for an adventurous journey.
Duration: 1 h. 10 min.
Language: german